Podcast – Best Drum and Bass

Podcast – Best Drum and Bass

Best Drum and Bass Podcast – 042 – Aug 07 – Dioptrics and Benny L.mp3

August 07, 2015

Benny L Interview with Best Drum and Bass
If you aren't yet familiar with him, Benny L has been on an absolute tear with his recent releaes on the major Drum and Bass label AudioPorn. Showing he can flex from the heaviest tunes all the way to the minimal grooves, he brings his unique sounds to the Best Drum and Bass podcast along side a short interview to get a litttle more into the mind of the one that call, Benny L!

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BestDnB: Introduce yourself and tell us a bit of the history behind Benny L.

Benny L: Ive been producing for nearly 4 years now but DJing/Mixing for about 8 years, had my first Release on Audioporn Records with Mediks last December 'Speakers Vibrate' featuring Mc Coppa ! and went on to Release a couple of EP’s this year, the first was ‘Granulate' witch came out in March n the Recent 'Walrus EP’!

BestDnB: Who is your favorite non-dnb artist?

Benny L: Gotta be Michael Jackson!

BestDnB: What was your first experience with Drum and Bass like?

Benny L:  Through my older Brother reely, he was into DJing and stuff, always listen in to him mixing in his bedroon but the earliest i can remember we was on a train, n asked him what he was listening to on his mini-Disk .. haha . .and it was a Dillinja tune!! loved it! got me hooked ever since! , just the energy and groove of the tunes i was reely hooked on, and most of all always wanted to know how the sounds were made !

BestDnB: Talk about your recent release on AudioPorn

Benny L: Walrus EP came out on the 31st! and it is different from the Granulate EP, as in 'Way Out West’ and ‘Walrus’ are kind of like Stepper tunes and a bit more experimental in the Drum Patterns and groove , witch i reely enjoy making!
‘Scorchio' and ‘Lava' i think at the moment are more kinda ''Benny L Tunes" if ya like , more Deeper and Roller type tracks. But always writing at the moment and been busy on a couple of Remix’s witch will be about soon !

BestDnB: What is you're biggest break / thing you are most thankful for to date in your music career?

Benny L: Probably would be getting the chance to Remix Dub FX ‘Concord’ defiantly opened the audience, but personally the track with Mediks and Coppa ‘Speakers Vibrate’ !! was the first feeling of releasing something and having my name over different places , got things rolling!!

BestDnB: Who are your top 5 current Drum and Bass artists?

Benny L:  Serum, Hazard, Bladerunner, Dillinja & Noisia

BestDnB: If you could collab with any artist, of any genre / style, who would it be and why?

Benny L: Dillinja , inspired me from day one! the first reason why I’m into D&B and the shier groove in his tracks!

BestDnB: Describe your favorite bassline of all time, preferably by just describing the sound.

Benny L: Wow thats a hard one !!
gotta be 'Roni Size' - Brown Paper Bag !!! can’t beat a good ol Double B bassline!!
i love the sound of when they just bend the string a lil bit!! …Adam F - 'Circles’ aswell!!!

BestDnB: Tell us about the strangest / most embarrassing experience you've had before, during or after a show.

Benny L: Nothing worse than when your playing early or someone bigger is in the other room and no ones there lol :/

BestDnB: Where do you see / hope to see the sound of Drum and Bass evolving too in the next few years.

Benny L: When everyone just refers to it as ‘Drum & Bass’ instead of sub catagoring everything , there are some cracks in the scene where its either one style or the other, not a partially big or bad thing but would mean a lot if it all came together later on at somepoint!
but all you can do is just write what your feeling and what you want at the time.

BestDnB: What is one tip you would like to give to aspiring Drum and Bass artists?

Benny L: Keep going n Keep working at it !! its al about progression when early on.

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