Ben Pasley's Podcast
Latest Episodes
Need Help with Discipleship?
Friends, I know many of you are looking for a way to go deeper with God this year. Many of you would like to build deeper relationships with your friends and learn to follow Jesus together. I invite you to consider a season of Kingdom IQ learning.
The Healing Path eBook Release!
I know that I am married to Robin, and I have a natural bias, but I still have to say that her book, The Healing Path, is one of the best books on walking in confidence sonship I have ever read. Now it is available everywhere as a eBook for only $2.
How to Debrief and Unwind
One of the most important exercises after a season of learning or deep adventure with God is debriefing. Debreifing is a "careful review after completion" according to formal definition, and it often helps us mine the golden treasures of a season that,...
An Incubator for Growth
I want to take a moment to speak about some simple rules for cultivating a supernatural lifestyle. The key might be in cultivating a supernatural lifestyle-friendly incubator! Leaders, what I am saying is that we can't be frustrated if supernatural lif...
Root 6: Time to Adventure!
At some point every race must begin. One must lace up the boots and set off on the trail. One must pull the car out of the driveway and say "If we don't have it now, we either don't need it or we can find it on the way." -
Root 6: Sowing Supernaturally
Supernatural things are not odd and unpredictable. I know that the heavens are still mysterious to us because we have yet to travel there; however, the King of the heavens did travel here, and he told us what it is like.
Root 6: Suffering and Healing
I recently had a friend ask about what we should be going onto in maturity according to the admonition in Hebrews 6:1-3 that reads, “Therefore let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity,
Root 6: Supernatural Language for Heaven and Earth
If you have been with us for the Kingdom IQ Learning season, then moving into encouragements on the spiritual gifts should be easy. We have embraced a spiritual mindset rather than an earthly mindset. We are excited about our new supernatural nature th...
Root 6: The Word is Supernatural
Insight What I want to do in this last of the 6 roots for the Kingdom IQ series is to draw a clear picture of how ministry gifts, supernatural graces, Church traditions and sacraments, and spiritual abilities all have their deepest meanings firmly roo...
Root 6: Supernatural is Our New Natural
Let’s consider spiritual gifts. Let’s engage power and miracles. Let’s tap into the well of supernatural resources we have to share with the world! Why not? Are you satisfied with the number of people you have seen raised from the dead so far?