Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

Episode 174

April 26, 2023

Our Bibles contain tons of examples of God helping his people snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat. Both Gideon with his tiny band of warriors and Jehoshaphat with all the fighting men of Israel were outnumbered. Then there’s David with his sling shot aimed at a giant and the early church with their prayers lifted on behalf Peter in prison. All of them were ill equipped. But God delivered them from their enemies. He showed up for them, and he will show up for you.

Today’s declaration is as true for you as it was for Gideon, Jehoshaphat, David and Peter. I encourage you to believe and speak the truth about your ability to destroy the enemies of God with the authority of the Lord. Why surrender to a hopeless situation when you can declare the truth in Psalm 118?

God is indeed for you. No matter who is against you, your enemies are no match for God. The secret to overcoming them is found in the Bible stories I mentioned earlier. Gideon and Jehoshaphat inquired of God and then followed God’s counterintuitive plan of battle. David considered Goliath miniscule compared to God. The early church cried out to the only one who could rescue Peter, and God surprised them in the middle of their all-night prayer vigil.

When you walk in the authority of the Lord, you can win an unexpected victory. You can conquer mighty foes. You can look in triumph at those who hate you knowing that God is for you and will help you. Take refuge in the Lord. He has promised to shield and defend you. His strategy may not make sense, but it’s better to trust in him than anyone or anything else. When you’re in distress, feeling surrounded or under attack, remember the authority you have been given as a believer. There’s power in the name of Jesus. You will have enemies in this life. You will have people who hate you. Jesus warned us of this inevitability. But by the power of God’s love, you can overcome evil with good.

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This week’s scripture: Psalm 118:5-12