Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

Episode 148

October 26, 2022

I keep a journal next to me during my quiet times with the Lord. I believe prayer is a two-way conversation with God, and I want to be ready to write down what I hear him saying to me. Here’s what I wrote in my journal this morning—keep in mind I wrote as if God were speaking to me.

“I have been telling you and Steve to rest, but I’m not telling you to lie down and go to sleep. I’m telling you to rest like someone on an airplane is resting, like someone on horseback is resting, like someone on eagle’s wings is resting. When I say, “Come, you who are weary and heavy laden,” I ALSO say, “take my yoke upon you.” I want you to rest in the assurance that we are yoked and my burden is light. You will gain both strength and wisdom from me as you mount up on eagle’s wings. I will carry you, guide you, and open doors for you. Get ready to take flight by resting in my presence.”

I ran to my computer to see if I’d already done an episode on Matthew 11:28-30, and found Matthew 11:28-29 listed for Episode 33, I pulled up the transcript and got ministered to by my own words! I’d talked about why we shouldn’t let the guilt we feel over being worn out drive us to take on burdens we weren’t meant to carry, and I said, “It’s counterintuitive to take time away from a project that demands my attention. But stopping my activity and sitting down with my Bible is like yoking up with Jesus.”

When we yoke up with Jesus, he’s like the lead ox—if you don’t mind the metaphor. He takes the lead AND he takes a greater share of the load. So, believe and speak today’s declaration. Speaking of lightening the load… I still need lots of help to reach my goal of topping 20,000 total show listens by my birthday next month. May I ask for your help? First, please listen to Episode 33, which gives a different declaration also drawn from today’s Scripture. Listening to past episodes you may have missed will help me get closer to reaching my goal before my November birthday.

Next, will you also spread the word by sharing a link to this podcast with your friends and family? You could also take a few minutes to visit my podcast page and listen to any episodes you may have missed. I would truly appreciate your help getting me to 20,000. If you take a moment right now to share this podcast, not only will you help me get closer to my goal, but together we can help people speak words of life. Your tongue has power. Use it for good.

This week’s scripture: Matthew 11:28-30