Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

Episode 146

October 12, 2022

I created this podcast to empower your tongue with truth. Each episode helps you believe and speak the truth—sometimes about who you are and what you’re capable of, and other times about who God is and the amazing things he can do. Believing and speaking truth not only helps us guard our hearts, but also helps cancel the negative effects of believing lies.

I’m going to pick up where I left off in Matthew Chapter 6. Last week’s episode talked about how God sees what we do in secret. If you missed that episode, I encourage you to go back and listen so that you don’t miss the promise of God’s reward when we give our gifts privately. Today’s Scripture also mentions God’s promise to reward us—but for a different reason.

The verses I read last week and just now both contain this phrase: your Father, who sees everything, will reward you. Jesus spoke those words twice in Matthew 6 because he wants us to know that whether God sees us giving a gift to someone in need or he sees us praying for our heart’s desires, God will reward us when we do these things privately.

When Jesus taught us how to pray, he assured us that our prayers don’t have to ramble on and on. God hears prayers that never even leave our lips, and he rewards us for praying in private. You don’t have to pour out eloquent prayers for God to act. You don’t have to put on a show in order to catch God’s eye. You don’t even have to open your mouth for God to know your needs. But if you do choose to go away by yourself and pray to the Father in private with words, I promise you that your Father sees it all, hears it all, welcomes it all. And he will reward you.

May I ask a favor of you? I have a birthday coming up next month, and you can give me a wonderful gift by helping me to reach my goal of topping 20,000 total show listens by my birthday. I am incredibly honored that you return to listen to this podcast week after week, and because of you, I’m getting close to 20,000 listens over the 146 episodes I’ve done so far.

Will you help me reach my goal before my November birthday by sharing a link to this podcast with your friends and family? You could also take a few minutes to visit my podcast page and listen to any episodes you may have missed. I would truly appreciate your help getting me to 20,000. If you take a moment right now to share this podcast, not only will you help me get closer to my goal, but together we can help people speak words of life. Your tongue has power. Use it for good.

This week’s scripture:  Matthew 6:5-8