Believe & Speak
Episode 110
I fashioned today’s declaration from a passage in the book of Isaiah that still rings true today. Isaiah’s words in today’s reading give voice to my own feelings.
“Oh, that you would burst from the heavens and come down!” (Isaiah 64:1 NLT) My Bible has an exclamation point to indicate the degree of passion Isaiah must have felt writing those words. Lately I’ve been wishing that God would burst onto the scene. Wouldn’t it be great if he would work everything out for us right now? Wouldn’t it be great to see him perform awesome deeds beyond our highest expectations? Wouldn’t it be great if the enemies of God would learn the reason for his fame?
But God is waiting in the wings. Waiting for his perfect timing to take center stage and make the nations tremble. One day he will burst onto the scene in an undeniable display that will cause every knee to bow and every tongue to confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
While God waits, we must wait too. But, oh the promises for those who wait for him! Yes, God is working even now. He’s working in our circumstances and he’s working in us. He’s working all things within his timeframe, which is why we must wait. And trust. And believe.
We may not always see his hand at work, but we can trust his intentions are good and his timing is perfect. So, let’s walk by faith and not by sight.
I gave an exciting announcement and invitation last week that I’ll repeat today. If you are a woman who lives in the Fresno, California area, I’d love for you to join me in person on Wednesday evenings at Peoples Church beginning March 2 at 7 p.m. We will be going through my book Longing to Belong, which served as the catalyst for this podcast. I’ll share more details in the coming weeks on my website at
This week’s scripture: Isaiah 64:1-4