Believe & Speak

Believe & Speak

Episode 23

June 03, 2020

My heart is broken with grief over the tragic death of George Floyd. My spirit is heavy with the weight of the pain, unrest, and anger that has boiled over in response to the injustice. I ache at the condition of the human heart—that it could harbor such hatred. In times like these, I turn to the Psalms because they help me to pray when I struggle to find the words. I need the right words right now, and not just for praying, but also for encouraging the people around me.
I always start the podcast with, “Believe & Speak, the podcast designed to empower your tongue with truth,” and I always end with, “Your tongue has power. Use it for good.”
Sometimes we don’t say anything because we’re afraid to say the wrong thing. We want to speak life and give hope, but in a world that too easily takes offense, we’re afraid of being misunderstood. I know I am. I want to use my tongue for good. I want to build up and not tear down. I want people to know that they are seen and they are valuable. That’s why I wrote my book, Longing to Belong: Discovering the Joy of Acceptance. The back cover says, “Become fully aware that you are unconditionally loved and accepted.” That is my hope and prayer for you.
This week's scripture:
Psalm 37:1 –9