Believe & Speak
Episode 187
Yesterday would’ve been by dad’s 87th birthday. I’m sure he and my mom had a great time celebrating in glory, that is, if we still celebrate birthdays in heaven. I marked the occasion with my husband and my dear friend, Donita, whose husband went to be with Jesus about a month before my dad left earth for heaven. When my friend popped over a little sooner than I expected, I told her I was writing my podcast for today and asked if she could suggest some verses for me to share with you. Without hesitation she said her favorite passage comes from 1 John 4:13-16. Thank you, Donita, for the inspiration. I pulled our declaration from 1 John 4:16, which is true of anyone who acknowledges that Jesus is God’s son.
God’s love never ends, never fails, never gives up. Ever. If you’ve experienced God’s love, then you know that the love of God is a love like no other. His love is a love you can trust in and depend on. You and I can’t begin to grasp the depth of God’s love because it is beyond our human capacity to measure. It’s also beyond our human capacity to offer. Oh, how I wish I could love like God loves: unconditionally, continually, and deeply. But even when I fail to love like He does, He never fails at loving me.
There is so much security in being loved the way God loves us. Love like the love God has for us is described in scripture as being a love that is patient and kind. A love that is never envious or boastful. It’s a love that does not dishonor others or come across as self-seeking. it is not easily angered, and keeps no record of wrongs. The love that God has for us and desires for us to spread around is a love that always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. The love of God never ever fails.
I’m excited to be teaching Women’s Bible study this fall, and I’ve posted the details as well as a registration form on my website. Please take a minute to check it out by visiting The Bible study is based on my book, Longing to Belong, and it will teach you how to make a habit of reading the Bible not just for information, but also for conversation. We will take time each week to make declarations of truth. After all, your tongue has power. Use it for good.
This week’s scripture: 1 John 4:13-16