Believe & Speak
Episode 184
Danny Gokey has a new song out called My America (I Still Believe). I’ve only heard it a few times, but every time he breaks into America the Beautiful, I get goosebumps. Certainly, God has shed his grace on this nation.
Before putting my thoughts together for this episode, I looked at my podcast’s statistics because I recently crossed a major milestone in the total number of listeners. I wasn’t surprised that America is first on the list of countries listening and Canada comes second. But the country in the third position of my listeners throughout the world is Ukraine. Oh, my goodness! Ukraine is listening to my podcast. God has shed his grace not only on America the beautiful, but also on Ukraine, which is every bit as beautiful and beloved by God.
Singapore is fourth on my list of countries tuning in. Then New Zealand, and then France.
France. The country that has been on fire the past week is a country where God has also shed his grace.
Here’s what God is saying to you through Isaiah’s prophecy, “Come out in freedom. Come into the light.” The Lord in his mercy will lead you; he will lead you beside cool waters.
A lyric in Danny Gokey’s new song says that America is a little bruised up. So is France. So is Ukraine. These bruises are nothing new. The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:20-21 that “… creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God” (NIV).
You and I need to believe and speak this truth no matter where we live. Jesus is the one who sets us free. He is the light of the world who has overcome the darkness. Let’s look to Jesus in the midst of the bruises and decay. Let’s heed his call to live in the light of the freedom. Like a good shepherd, He will lead the way.
This week’s scripture: Isaiah 49:9-10