Father Ryan Higdon

Father Ryan Higdon

Latest Episodes

Choosing Christ
January 12, 2015

Baptism of Our Lord   In today’s world there […]

Alone in a Crowd
December 29, 2014

The Feast of the Holy Family   Christmas time is a […]

Christ of the little things
December 24, 2014

Christmas Vigil Mass Christ can be found in the majesti […]

1st School of Grace
December 09, 2014

Immaculate Conception

Consumer Mentality
December 08, 2014

Consuming Christ

A Marian Advent
November 30, 2014

Awaiting Advent with a Heart like Mary.

More to the Story
November 24, 2014

Suffering isn't the end of the story...

Beyond the Surface
November 10, 2014

Entering into true worship

Off Balance
November 02, 2014

Praying for them because we're off balance without them

Heart + Mind
October 27, 2014

The order matters