Father Ryan Higdon

Father Ryan Higdon

Latest Episodes

March 23, 2015

What do you expect? Are you Eeyore or Pooh Bear?

The Devils Nick-nacks
March 08, 2015

A God that exceeds our expectations.

Plans & Dreams
March 01, 2015

Mary isn't just a sweet little girl...

Distortions & Discernment
February 24, 2015

High School Homily (Given on 02/24/2015) Do you hear th […]

The Devil is Weak
February 22, 2015

1st Sunday of Lent   How much power does the Devil […]

Ash Wednesday
February 19, 2015

Ash Wednesday 2015   You are dust and to dust you […]

Christ as Resident
February 16, 2015

Christ sees the Mess and he's ready to help clean it up.

Idiots and Saints
February 03, 2015

Associating with Saints, not idiots.

February 01, 2015

Moving beyond resistance with Christ

The Anatomy of the Call
January 25, 2015

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time   We’re all call […]