Father Ryan Higdon

Father Ryan Higdon

Latest Episodes

Corpus Christi
June 07, 2015

Receiving well & giving thanks

Embracing the Mystery
May 31, 2015

Encountering that which is more

Parlor Tricks
May 10, 2015

When the lord calls us to remain

Fortress of Solitude
May 02, 2015

Return and Remember who you are

No Assembly Required
April 26, 2015

God does things differently

Waking the Dead (Encounter)
April 19, 2015

Zombie Theology

Dismantling Castles
April 12, 2015

Its harder to believe in Mercy than God.

Easter Sunday
April 05, 2015

Move closer so that you may wonder...

Good Friday
April 03, 2015

A Third Way...

Palm Sunday
March 29, 2015

He poured himself out. Will you?