Beat Therapy

Beat Therapy

Latest Episodes

When It Comes to Us......
April 14, 2019

Welcome to the fourth episode of Beat Therapy! We'll get right to business as we delve into ourselves. Within the segments we'll address what's enough and happiness as a whole. Also, include a short segment regarding the first song choice we'll use...

Before We Start... Can't Forget the Music!
April 06, 2019

It's Episode 3 everyone! You made it with me through the introductory episodes, as this is the final segment before we get into the real work. How could I forget about one of the essential coping out there and near and dear to myself - Music! I give a...

Finding Believe Through Self-Encouragement
April 06, 2019

Welcome to Episode 2! This delves a little bit more into what rooted me into becoming a Mental Health Advocate and why it's important to give ourselves the energy that we all deserve! Begin to break down those fears and misconceptions that may come...

A Welcome to All
April 02, 2019

Welcome to the very first episode (introductory part 1 of 3)! This will be all about beginning self-encouragement and allowing yourself to be open with how you view your mental health and quality of life. Let’s begin this journey together! Feel free...