BareNaked Health Podcast

BareNaked Health Podcast

Latest Episodes

Leap of Faith: From Unconscious Behavior to Being Aware with Wayne Daniels
March 23, 2016

This was simply another jaw dropping, eye opening and furious note taking interview for me. Wayne brought more than his “A” game and I just let him run with it. The beauty with which Wayne speaks of movement,

Dancing with the Exuberant Animal Frank Forencich
March 16, 2016

Before talking with Frank I re-read his book the Exuberant Animal. If you have not done so, go do that now! I’m serious, that has immediately jumped into my top 10 of all time. He is an amazing writer and has many interesting and very simple points on ...

Getting Out in Nature and the Gratitude Game with Duncan Reeve
March 14, 2016

To match our schedules up I woke up early to get the chance to talk with Duncan and I am sure glad I did. He had me laughing a lot and really made me think. This is really a great way to start the day. For anybody who is a little short on sleep this […]

Constant Awareness at Every Moment with Kris Timpert
March 09, 2016

This was the first time Kris and I had the pleasure to talk and boy was I blown away. Our talk centered more on the mental and thought side of health. This was amazing for me as it is something that I am working on and feel that most people do this as ...

From Gymnastics to Davinci with Ross Eathorne
March 02, 2016

A few months ago I came across Ross’ website and was intrigued to see this Kiwi living in Hong Kong. The stuff I saw was awesome and once I downloaded his app to try I knew I had to get him on the show to hear what else he could share.

Body Awareness, Personal Empowerment and Self Reflection with Vidya Mcneill
February 24, 2016

It is just an honor to have Vidya Mcneill on the show. She has helped me out so much in my growth as a person and for my business. The wisdom that she shares in this show is truly amazing and is just a must listen.

Slow Cooker
February 19, 2016

If you are busy and don’t have much time to cook, then your excuses are now gone. Get a slow cooker and turn a few simple ingredients into a great meal while you’re at work.1

Shake, Rattle and Roll
February 18, 2016

Get out the rattles and blow off a little steam. Cooper and I have a blast doing this and it is very relaxing.

Daily Rituals, Unconditional Love and the Choice to be Happy with Alex Gil
February 17, 2016

Alex is somebody else who I met at Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3 through the CHEK Institute. If you are seeing a pattern develop that is for good reason. These people are the best of the best in the entire world.

If it Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It
February 17, 2016

Are you trying to fix a part of your health just because you think you should. If something is working well for you in any part of your life, now is not the time to change it.