BareNaked Health Podcast

BareNaked Health Podcast

Latest Episodes

No Quick Fixes with Dr Mike Israetel
February 22, 2017

It has been a bit now that I have been checking out some of Mike’s work and he still continues to amaze me each time I hear him speak. What is so great is his depth of knowledge on such … Continued

You Can’t Replace Love with Paul Chek
February 15, 2017

It is so amazing that I have been blessed with amazing guests on the podcast and this week is no different. Paul was kind enough to come on the show and share so much about health, Love, the universe, shamanic … Continued

Stories, Relationships and Earthships with Billy Perkins
February 13, 2017

Billy was gracious enough to let me interview him for a second time after I happened to delete the first show. Just like the first time we chatted, he crushed it. There is so much that he has to share … Continued

“Your body has the ability to heal itself” with Dr. Drew Vercellino
February 08, 2017

When I came across Dr. Drew’s work and saw that he was both an upper cervical chiropractor, involved in the sport of kettlebells and working with Mike Salemi, I had to reach out to him. Certainly I am glad that … Continued

Heal Your Pain Now with Dr Joe Tatta
February 01, 2017

When I heard about Dr. Joe’s book coming out I was excited to talk to him about it and what all was behind it. It was great getting to dive more into pain science as this is an ever expanding … Continued

Comfort Zones, Play and Empowering Women with Aimee Rose
January 25, 2017

Aimee was kind enough to join me for a second show after I deleted the first and you are all going to be very happy she was. We are all across the board on this one with playing, identities, how … Continued

Strong as an Ox and Healthy as a Horse in 2017 with Nick Horowski
January 18, 2017

Well it has been an exciting end of 2016 and a great start into 2017. This was for me to share with you what is new and exciting as far as what I have been changing with my health and … Continued

Salt Lamps, Super Salads and the Sacred Feminine with Nicole Devaney
January 11, 2017

It is always so much fun when an interview gives you so much more than you expected. Nicole certainly brought her “A” game and shared on so many different levels. It is always fun for me to learn how other … Continued

Jazz, Satchmo Syndrome and the Brookbush Institute with Brent Brookbush
January 04, 2017

This was another great interview that went in so many fun directions. We started with me learning about jazz, which is something that was a new experience, especially from the physical side of the art. There is a fun part … Continued

Soil Health, learning from Animals, and Feeling Your Body with Matt Sorensen
December 28, 2016

A good friend and previous guest of the show Vidya Mcneill was kind enough to share with me that I should reach out to Matt. What an amazing connection this turned out to be. We dive into some serious stuff … Continued