BareNaked Health Podcast

BareNaked Health Podcast

Daily Rituals, Unconditional Love and the Choice to be Happy with Alex Gil

February 17, 2016

Alex is somebody else who I met at Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 3 through the CHEK Institute.
If you are seeing a pattern develop that is for good reason. These people are the best of the best in the entire world. Alex certainly fits that bill as she really does walk the walk when it comes to health from all aspects! Check out this episode to learn more about Alex’s journey from growing up in Brazil and how her health has changed.

The discussion of community, families and unconditional love from Buddha and Jesus are also fun topics you won’t want to miss.

Click HERE to hear the answer to Alex’s – One NON-Negotiable Health Habit


Alex’s Links:

Vitale Coaching Website

Vitale Coaching on YouTube