The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

Should Business Coaches Use LinkedIn? - CLS025

April 01, 2016

It's questions and ACTIONS Friday!
Today's question comes from Nick, who writes:
"I've got a small business coaching practice and do ok with offline referrals. A friend in the 500+ super networker category says I gotta use LinkedIn. He says he gets business there, but never gets specific.
I wonder: Is it worth spending time on LinkedIn and will I get a return?"
Nick, thanks for your question and I've often wondered the very same thing.
In fact, the first two years my profile was up, I didn't do too much with it except tweak the text when someone sent a connection invite—or when I remembered to stop by.
Fast forward - in the past 2 years or so, I've done more with my account. In fact, I have some very definite thoughts on the use of LinkedIn for coaches and consultants, and a few suggestions to get the most bang for your buck.
This is another info-packed but short-form show, so let's get cookin'
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And now back to the show!