The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

5 Strategies to Deliver a Winning Coaching Session - CLS019

March 11, 2016

It's questions and ACTIONS Friday! This week I'm tackling TWO questions. Because one of them is about the show itself---and that almost feels like cheating, doesn’t it? But, you ask, I answer. So we’ll talk about the show for a minute, then dive into to the feature segment.
First, long-time listener Jonathan wrote in asking-
"Where's the old health segment? what about productivity tools?"
It's a great question, and though I've mentioned it at the beginning of the season, there is a bit more to the story. As always, I'll tie this back to practical business lessons you can use in your own life and coaching practice---or whatever field you're in.
Second, Margarite asks:
"I just booked my first business coaching client, but I'm not sure what to do? I really want to make a good first impression, but am nervous about how it might go. Any pointers?"
Can I level with you? I still---almost 3 decades into this business--get butterflies. Especially when working with brand new, or unknown clients. But there are some excellent strategies to tackle this one.
I've got 5 suggestions for you to help soothe the worries, and keep your session focused on value delivery. Lots to cover, so let's get rollin'!