The Corbin Links Show

The Corbin Links Show

Do I Need to Know More, Or Be More Successful Than My Coaching Clients? - CLS017

March 04, 2016

It's time for Questions and ACTIONS Friday!
And it's another great one. Michael asks "Do I need to know more, or be more successful than my coaching clients?" And I'll finish the sentence ... order to coach them?"
I think we've all been here.
Maybe we're starting out, and we're fighting this "imposter" syndrome we sometimes get in. That we just don't think we have what it takes.
Or, that we don't have the experience to "measure up".
Or that our clients are naturally EXPECTING us to naturally know more than they do, or be more successful at whatever that thing is.
I've got some definite hard-won experience with this and opinions about it, so we're diving deep. Let's roll!