Bad Vocals

Bad Vocals

Latest Episodes

E9: Just When Exactly Did Maggie Haberman Jump the Shark?
June 06, 2018

B & V tackle “the failing New York Times” for a discussion of media in the Trump era. We pay special attention to the work of Ross Douthat (henceforth to be known by Vanessa as Ross...

E8: Misery Entertainment
May 08, 2018

After a far-too-long absence, your favorite angry women have returned to discuss entertainment we don’t enjoy consuming. In this week’s episode, we talk about two recent works of fiction and one TV show: 2017 sci-fi...

E7: The Marvelous Good Place
February 14, 2018

Beth and Vanessa take a break from politics, sexual assault, and the horror of Paul Ryan existing on the same planet as we do to talk about a couple sitcoms. Mostly we discuss the new...

E6: Aziz, We Hardly Knew Ye
February 13, 2018

Yup, we went there. After figuring out how to turn on our recording equipment, we tackle the Babe story alleging sexual assault by Aziz Ansari, which makes us very, very grumpy, because it continues to...

E5: “And The All Male Nominees Are…”
February 13, 2018

Beth and Vanessa discuss the Golden Globes, how a straight white guy managed to do a decent job reckoning with #metoo, the greatness of Amy Poehler, and whether Oprah 2020 should be a thing. (Please,...

December 07, 2017

(*except Beth’s husband and maybe 2 or 3 others) Beth and Vanessa discuss, in voices slightly tinged with just the tiniest bit of mild rage, the ongoing story of apparently every goddamn man in Hollywood...

E3: The Truth is Out There / Trust No One
December 06, 2017

Taking a break from politics (sorta kinda) we discuss The X-Files, that classic 90s show that explored paranoia, government, conspiracies, how bright red hair dye can get, and the limits of mythology arcs. Tune in for an...

E2: Baskets of Deplorables & Delightful Sitcoms, part 2
October 05, 2017

In which a kindhearted Texan and an angry Washingtonian discuss how the hell we should feel about Trump voters now. Hint: one of us really thinks we ought to reach out to the Other Side...

E2: Baskets of Deplorables & Delightful Sitcoms, part 1
October 04, 2017

In which a kindhearted Texan and an angry Washingtonian discuss how the hell we should feel about Trump voters now. Hint: one of us really thinks we ought to reach out to the Other Side...

E1: We disagree on Hillary’s hard choices
September 19, 2017

Meet Beth and Vanessa, two angry women discussing politics, pop culture and anything else that we enjoy and/or makes us furious. In this first episode, we discuss the bombshell book by one Hillary Clinton, her...