Bad Boss Survival Guide

Latest Episodes
Hey Gang! It’s been a few months since I’ve posted anything on the BBSG Blog and Podcast. The past few months have been an unexpectedly trying time for me in my personal life. I’ve had to adjust my plans and redefine what my life was going to look li...
Episode 4: Amygdala Hijack
An almond sized mass in our brain has the power to take control of us off in stressful or irritating situations. We can thank our Amygdala for the fight or flight mechanism. Our Amygdala will get us out of harms way before we even have time to think ab...
Episode 3: The One Question-A New Years Resolution
It’s a new year, a new beginning. Many of us experience a renewed sense ofmotivation to better ourselves and make this the best year yet. You hear resolutionslike I’m going to lose weight, start eating healthy, save my money or read more.
Episode 2: Things I Used to Do When I Was a Bad Boss
Let me start off by saying that this list of “Bad Boss” attributes is somewhat personal, to say the least. Yes I’ve had bad bosses in the past and yes I could make a list of attributes based on my experiences with them. But this list isn’t about them.
A Bad Boss on Their Way to Becoming a Good Boss?
You’ve got a bad boss. You go to work expecting your boss to say or do something that is bound to fire you up. It’s seems that they take some sort of joy in making you miserable. You’ve got a Bad Boss! But hang on a minute.
Episode 1: A Bad Boss on Their Way to Becoming a Good Boss?
You’ve got a bad boss. You go to work expecting your boss to say or do something that is bound to fire you up. It’s seems that they take some sort of joy in making you miserable. You’ve got a Bad Boss! But hang on a minute.