Badass Agile

Badass Agile

Episode 87 - Fear of Failure

March 03, 2019

  • Fear of failure surfaces at every level of your organization
  • In individuals, teams, units, leadership
  • It is a perfectly natural human instinct.  People don’t want to lose face, lose trust, or lose security in the form of their jobs, prospects, opportunity for growth, and pay
  • However, fear of failure creates several forms of waste and loss:

    • Hesitation (doubt, uncertainty, procrastination)
    • Resistance to change
    • Stonewalling - resistance to team
    • Overcompensating with process to gain certainty and safety (planning, consensus building, failsafes, estimation
    • All of these result in very poor performance

  • The antidote is in the the culture you build

    • Hesitation - train people (through Agile Games, for example) the value of quick decisioning, and give them safety nets when their rapid experiments fail
    • Pull change, don’t push it
    • Connect more authentically with people’s sense of purpose, values, and needs.
    • Again, start with willing minds and projects that fit - lower risk, less need for documentation - and pull people to you with the results
    • Demonstrate, visibly, the results of thinking and acting in this way, and find people who will reward it (hint, you don’t need execs to approve incentives)