Badass Agile

Badass Agile

The Elusive Art of Influence

October 09, 2017
How do great leaders inspire others to work WITH them - how do they change minds and build support?  How do truly powerful people seem to get whatever they want in life?

  • The first principle is that your reasons have to be right.   You can’t want influence so you can have power or sway over people.  Your ‘argument’ - the thing you are trying to convince people of, whether its selling Agile to a monolithic management team, making a sale, or negotiating a contract - must come from a place of genuine service
  • The other influence skills are the Badass Agile principles we’ve already been discussing - learning to leap, leading by going first, staying in control of your emotions, being persistent and resilient, remaining confident, being happy and other-focused, and learning and adapting from failure.