Back Pain Liberation with Iain Barker

The Pain Cycle [Tension & Anxiety]
The pain cycle has both physical and psychological elements.
Chronic pain and bodily vulnerablity cause anxiety, fear and anger. Anxiety, fear and anger will in turn cause physical tension, restriction and pain.
Breaking this pain cycle is an essential part of self care for chronic pain.
Hello and welcome to episode 39 of the BPLP.
I'm Iain Barker, here to help you find your way out of chronic back pain.
“I can't think of much that's more frightening than not being able to trust your own body. That's that's just scary and not being able to sort of predict what it's going to do or how you're going to hurt on any given day. Or if something small like I don't know, picking up something off the floor will suddenly throw your back out. That's not going to keep you calm. Having that in the back of your mind.”
So says Amy Orr author of:
'Taming Chronic Pain: A Management Guide for a More Enjoyable Life.'
I had a really interesting chat with Amy - and she shared her top tips for chronic pain management.
In this, the second episode from her inteview, we talk about the pain cycle; with anxiety, fear and anger causing tension that feeds the pain which in turn causes more negative emotion and so on, in an endless loop.
Also how chronic pain affects cognitive ability. As if your back pain wasn't enough you may also be getting some brain fog into the bargain.
So more great advice on dealing with these issues and a whole lot of other useful stuff besides.
Quote of the day one more time - which comedian said:
“When you find yourself on a vicious cycle, for goodness sakes, stop pedalling!”
Answer at the end of the show.
Show notes at
Music courtesy: Jahzzar
Photo by Reid Zura on Unsplash
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Any guests express their own views and no endorsement by the Back Pain Liberation Podcast is implied.