Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

The Pink Promise

October 06, 2014

Tune in as Dr. Annise Mabry and best selling Author Sharon D. Smith talk about the Pink Promise, Breast Cancer Awareness, and community resources for not only Cancer Heros but also their support systems. 

"Today marks the beginning of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It's a time when we celebrate all of our Cancer Heroes and the fight to end this disease. I get excited about this time of year because it gives me a chance to fulfill the many promises I made to my wife, LaShundria Dansby Smith, just before she died in 2012 from an aggressive form of breast cancer. I have not failed on any of those promises and I don't intend to.

You don't know the strength and courage it takes to travel this journey unless you've been through it yourself. You don't know what people are going through behind the smiles. This month, I encourage you to reach out to your friends, family, coworkers, etc and talk with them about breast cancer. Know your risks and get your mammograms done. If you need information, inbox me. Love up on somebody who may be going through therapy right now and celebrate those who are in remission.

We have to let breast cancer know we don't fight fair! With all of our resources, research, and progress made in the last 10 years, we're slowly kicking breast cancer in the azz! You can join the fight, too. Every day, I will tell you how." (Sharon D. Smith, Facebook Status Post, Oct 1, 2014)