Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

Love Knows No Distance

September 17, 2014

Love Knows No Distance
LGBT Long Distance Relationships

When I met her, I would often joke that I still had battle scars from my last relationship.  Actually, she had been my Facebook friend though my last relationship--she watched me find love, fall in love, and then she saw the fall out of that love as it spewed all over my friends' newsfeeds and their Facebook walls that August morning in 2012. 

She was simply comforting to me when I needed comfort the most--she was the voice of calm and reassurance that I would hear when I went to hang out in the A Gurlz Guide Facebook Group.  I started reading her blogs; and, well, she started following my status updates and Bitstrips. 

I'm Annise--a 40 year old lesbian and mother of two.  My partner's name is Benny; and, she is the mother of three.  Together, we have five children from ages 10 to 29.  Love knows no distance is our story of how we fell in love and how we work to maintain our love even though we live hundreds of miles away. 

We decided to start this podcast after Create Love featured us as their Happy Couple in August ( and after we created a Facebook group to support other LGBTQ couples in long distance relationships. 

This podcast is very different from the most of the podcasts on the Back2Us Network.  Love Knows No Distance is unscripted and for the most part--unedited.  What comes to our mind comes out our mouth. 

So tune in each month for a new episode of our life and eventually we will begin featuring other couples from our Facebook group.  

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Music featured on this episode is by Mhyst "You're into Me" and Fast Funghi "Thankful".