Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

Community Connections: The Relentless Aaron Movement Transforms Conyers

September 05, 2014

When I moved to Conyers, GA in 2009, the first thing I did was find the local Starbucks because my thought process was if I can find the coffee house, I can put my finger on the pulse of the community.  Only there wasn't much of a pulse at the Conyers Starbucks in 2009.  Yes, we all lined up and went through the drive thru, got our coffee, and did our morning pleasantries but we were not connected in a community sense. 

That was before Relentless Aaron entered the picture.  He is often described as the "world's leading Urban Lit author, publisher, film maker and marketing guru" but to those of us in this little town called Conyers GA, he is the man that gave our community CPR and launched a movement. 

Today, I will talk with Relentless about his movement, the overwhelming success of Starbucks After Dark Wine Down Wednesdays, and his upcoming project to truly connect the entire community. 

Go to to learn more about Relentless--the man behind the movement.

#TeamConyers #WineDownWednesdaysinConyers