Awesome Friday Podcast

Awesome Friday Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 61: Gaming Discussion and The Lego Movie
February 13, 2014

It's time for another very special episode of Awesome Friday! This week we're discussing some vi...

Episode 60: I, Frankenstein, Nidhogg, and Superhero Movies
January 31, 2014

It's time for another very special episode of Awesome Friday! This week we're discussing the fil...

Episode 59: Lone Survivor, Her, The Golden Globes, and the Cult of Celebrity
January 17, 2014

It's that time again, time for another episode of the Awesome Friday Podcast. This week on a ver...

Episode 58: WiiU, American Hustle, and The Wolf of Wall Street
January 02, 2014

It's the first Awesome Friday of 2014! This week we're talking about the Nintendo WiiU and Zombi...

Episode 57: The Hobbit, Saint's Row 4, Anchorman 2
December 21, 2013

This week on the Awesome Friday Podcast we're talking about The Hobbit, Saint's Row IV, The Gamin...

Episode 56: The Hunger Games, Frozen, World of Warcraft, Battlefield 4
December 06, 2013

This week on the Awesome Friday Podcast we're talking about The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, ...

Episode 55: Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, THor: The Dark World, and The Marvel Cinematic Universe
November 15, 2013

We're back with a aother new episode of the Awesome Friday Podcast! Two episodes in two weeks? ...

Episode 54: Grand Theft Auto 5, Sain't Row 4, Blur: Overdrive, The Counselor, Captain Phillips, Gravity, All is Lost and Ender's Game
November 02, 2013

It's been two long months since we've been able to sit down and record a podcast episode for you ...
