Awesome Friday Podcast

Awesome Friday Podcast

Episode 68: Episode 68: E3 Roundup, How To Train Your Dragon 2, 22 Jump Street, and Transformers: Age of Extinction

June 28, 2014

It's been a few weeks thanks to recent June related events but we're back wth a new episode of Awesome Friday! We have a lot to talk about in this episode including Simon's impressions of E3, Matt's new LaserDisc player, 22 Jump Street and How To Train Your Dragon 2, 60 Second Shooter, and the just released Transformers: Age of Extinction.

It's a lot to get through so get yourself comfy and let's get started.

You may want to peruse what we've already written on these topics before you listen:

E3 Microsoft Conference Liveblog
E3 EA Conference Liveblog
E3 Ubisoft Conference Liveblog
E3 Sony Conference Liveblog}
No Man’s Sky Gameplay Footage Is a Sci-Fi Dream
Quick Reviews: '22 Jump Street' and 'How To Train Your Dragon 2'
Awesome: Rian Johnson To Write + Direct Star Wars Episode VIII
Review: Transformers: Age of Extinction

We love hearing from you guys so if you have any feedback for this episode you can

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Meanwhile, sit back, relax and enjoy your flight.