Awaken Engage

Awaken Engage

Latest Episodes

The Long Game (10)
February 11, 2024

Once mesmerized by the immediate triumphs of short sports events, the writer now values the long game, recognizing the significance of lifelong consistency and commitment. They have learned to appreci

Take This From You (9)
February 10, 2024

Reflecting on a phrase commonly said by his parents, the writer grasps its profound meaning after becoming a parent himself: the desire to absorb loved ones' pain. He recognizes painful experiences as

Fear is a Thing (8)
February 09, 2024

A survivor of an early COVID-19 infection, the author recounts a harrowing night of repeated suffocation without medical care, leading to PTSD. Encountering fear as an object, they embarked on a trans

Ready or Not (7)
February 08, 2024

Writing and publishing a public-facing exhibit and podcast is more of a challenge than getting in a tub of icebergs. A little known way to completely quiet the mind of all sensical and meaningful cont

”Quiet Here” (6)
February 07, 2024

As I write today, my mind is quiet and still, like a placid lake on an early summer morning right before the sunrise. Very still. Very quiet. Smooth. Indistinct. Undisturbed. Gentle. Calm. At ease. Th

I Am Enough (5)
February 06, 2024

On day 5 of a 30-day writing and podcasting challenge to foster growth, the author reflects on self-compassion developed over 8 years and recovery from brain injury. They describe a past filled with s

Spotted Tigers (4)
February 05, 2024

Encountering a majestic spotted tiger while retrieving a basketball, the writer experienced an unshakeable inner peace, contrasting with years of sleep paralysis characterized by terrifying visions. F

Others (3)
February 04, 2024

The author reflects on accepting oneself and the world, highlighted by their yoga teachers poignant reminder that while each person is special, they are not separate from others. This lesson is threa

Inner Voices (2)
February 03, 2024

Begun as a challenge to write and publish daily, the author reflects on the phenomenon of the internal narrator, originally triggered by audiobook exposure in their pre-teens. They describe how this n

Let it Be
February 03, 2024

The Ice Bath Meditations Series is over, even if the daily ice baths continue. So, Ive been on the lookout for the next challenge. I quite like the month-long-commitment idea and this month Im chall