Awaken Engage

Awaken Engage

Latest Episodes

Not a Tie Game (30)
March 02, 2024

As we sat waiting for the overtime period to begin and I looked at the score tied at 49-49, I found myself thinking about how in less than 20 minutes one of these groups of teenagers would be filled w

Something in the Air at the End of this Road (29)
March 01, 2024

In addition to the feeling in the air, today marks the end of this months challenge of writing a daily essay and podcasting it. Ive enjoyed it immensely. I have learned a lot. I am enjoying it. I am

Let’s See How This Goes (28)
February 29, 2024

...a story that is unfolding in a brain that is whole and full and beloved and loved and lovely and healing and healed and ready to accept more and more this wave of life that caught it up and broke l

Power of Imagination (27)
February 28, 2024

If we can create ulcers and myriad other diseases in our bodies from worrying and being in an anxious state of being, what can we create in our bodies from using the power of our imagination in posi

Pain, Numbing, and Welcoming Presence (26)
February 27, 2024

Richard Miller, the founder of iRest Yoga Nidra, says, Psychological, physical, and spiritual integration unfolds naturally when we cease trying to rid ourselves of our experience and instead open to

Sitting with My Teacher (25)
February 26, 2024

ne night, one of my teachers and I sat on a bridge above a river. We watched thoughts coming and going. All through the night. As the thoughts came and drifted closer and became clearer, my teache

The Pause that Refreshes (24)
February 25, 2024

Akin to the ideas of relax/release and noticing the opening/closing of the heart, the pause that refreshes is a staple of recovery and continual healing. Its a simple concept, but not an easy pract

Beyond the Cage (23)
February 24, 2024

Right now, Im feeling and being while thinking and doing. Theyre not really two sides of a see-saw. I dont have to get off of one side and watch the other side plummet to the ground. They are k

Healing Sound (22)
February 23, 2024

I dont have the ambition to be a famous or renowned player. I dont have the symptoms I used to have that drove me toward it. What do I have? I was wondering this and as I just sat with the uncerta

Welcoming Presence (21)
February 22, 2024

Were not coming together to help one another. Were coming together to be with ourselves and with each other as we are, knowing that when we are with ourselves and others as we are, we cannot help b