Audio Adventures
Latest Episodes
Episode 3:Daredevil Park
Greeting and welcome aboard another episode of AUDIO ADVENTURES! And it’s the longest one yet! Here’s the last episode of the original three I originally recorded with ...
HOWDY! It’s the second episode of Audio Adventures and it's time to cowboy up and head on out to DEADWOOD CITY! Music featured in this ...
Episode 1: CYOA Book 19 Secret of The Pyramids
Hey everyone it's the very first official episode of AUDIO ADVENTURES! CYOA Book 19: Secret of The Pyramids. It's the first of three introductory episodes, ...
Demo Episode 0! BOOK 1: The Cave of Time
Hey everyone! This is sort of a placeholder episode, but it's Chris Floyd and my own (Kaleb Heil) first attempt at a dramatic re-reading of ...