At His Table

Latest Episodes
At His Table – 2025
Hello Friends! With 2025 in full swing, we're excited to announce a brand new music recording, which should be coming out in June or July. We're also excited to announce that later this year, we'll st
Don’t Miss The Signs
In the book of Exodus, the Lord tells Moses that the plagues are not only signs for the Pharaoh and the Egyptians but also for the children of Israel so that they might understand that He alone is God
Repeat The Sounding Joy
Merry Christmas, dear friends! In 1719, an English minister named Issac Watts penned the song we all love titled Joy To The World. Oh, how we, as Christians, need our JOY restored! May our lives be a
Silent Mode
In this devotion, Richard shares his nightly habit of putting his phone on Silent Mode and forgetting to turn it back on during the day. How often do we miss the voice of the Lord speaking to us becau
This Is A Test
Tests. They're not always enjoyable, but they are a necessary part of our lives. Today, Sandy reminds us that God sometimes puts us to the test. In these trying moments, may each of us stay faithful a
Keep Going
Apostle Paul referred to our Christian journey as a race. Often, we feel tired and weary, and there may even be times when we fall. Today, Bro. David shares the story of a fallen runner and how they r
Hard Knots
In Daniel chapter five, the Babylonian queen declared that Daniel is a dissolver of doubts. The original meaning of the word doubt is "knot." Today, Rita reminds us that God is the only One Who can
The Lord Our Banner
In Exodus chapter seventeen, we read of Israel's great victory over their enemy. Moses then built an altar and called it: Jehovah-Nissi. Meaning God is our Banner and standard of defense. As we give h
It’s Not As It Seems
Are you facing an overwhelming battle? Does it seem that you're surrounded by bad news? Today, Richard reminds us of the story found in 2 Kings. The overwhelmed servant of Elisha saw the mighty Syrian
Mom’s Advice
Moms play a huge, God given role in their children's lives. Today, Sandy shares some of the most valuable advice she ever received from her mom. When followed, this advice will help each of us to stay