The Art of NGF: Undo Suffering

The Art of NGF: Undo Suffering

Latest Episodes

NGF44: An Evening of High Weirdness with Daisy Eris Campbell and Will Griffin
November 21, 2018

There’s something weird going on here… Daisy Eris Campbell can be seen as a woman of many stories. Actor, writer, director, producer, organiser of festivals, transpersonal psychologist, heirophant and psychopomp,

NGF43: Matt Furey on the Power of Movement, Breathing, and Imagination
November 06, 2018

It’s a great honor to present today’s podcast with Matt Furey. I first got into Matt’s bodyweight conditioning training when I was doing Jeet Kune Do and Brazilian Jujitsu. We used his “Combat Conditioning” book for all our warmups. Later,

NGF42:Ozark10: The Toll
August 05, 2018

Welcome to the (almost) final episode of the Art of NGF Ozark Talks. In this quintessential episode, we cover many of the loose threads that get tied up, and the new cans of monkeys and barrels of worms that get tipped over,

NGF41:Ozark9: Coffee, Black
May 31, 2018

The true meaning of family...

NGF40:Ozark8: Kaleidoscope
May 31, 2018

How free is free will?

NGF39:Ozark7: Nest Box
April 26, 2018

Go deep with Garrett, Lance, and Taylor into the transcendent power in the Netflix show Ozark

NGF39:Ozark7: Nest Box - The Art of NGF
April 26, 2018

Go deep with Garrett, Lance, and Taylor into the transcendent power in the Netflix show Ozark

NGF38:Ozark6: Book of Ruth - The Art of NGF
April 01, 2018

Go Deeper into the Transcendence Themes of Ozark in Episode 6: Book of Ruth

NGF38:Ozark6: Book of Ruth
April 01, 2018

Go Deeper into the Transcendence Themes of Ozark in Episode 6: Book of Ruth

NGF37:Ozark5: Ozark Talks: The Ruling Days - The Art of NGF
February 26, 2018

Welcome back to the Ozark Talks. Tonight’s episode focuses around “The Ruling Days.” In Ozark lore, the ‘ruling days’ include July 4 (American Independence Day) and the days surrounding the hot summer holiday.