The Art of NGF: Undo Suffering

The Art of NGF: Undo Suffering

NGF39:Ozark7: Nest Box

April 26, 2018

Welcome to Episode 7 of The Ozark Talks: A special Imagination Training disguised as conversations about one of the world’s most compelling and beautiful TV shows ever made.
In this talk, we go deep into Nest Box, an episode dedicated to exploring familial bonds–both supportive and destructive–between all of the characters cohabitating in the Lake of the Ozarks.
Ruth’s deep confusion and hatred for her father opens her up to the loving kindness shown constantly by Marty and family, even while she plots to murder him and steal the cartel money he’s got hidden away.
Boyd Langmore makes one of the most moving performances of the entire season, to reach out to his brother Russ.
Charlotte Byrde and Wyatt Langmore toy with getting closer, even as Charlotte still resists her new life in the back woods of Missouri.
What’s all of that got to do with a Nest Box?
And how in the hell does watching Ozark and listening to a podcast possibly train your imagination and beckon you to transcend your own problems, challenges, and complaints?
Listen, follow along, and find out for yourself.
It’s a bridge worth crossing.