The Art of NGF: Undo Suffering

The Art of NGF: Undo Suffering

NGF19: Imagination Training with Will Griffin - The Art of NGF

February 12, 2016

In NGF19, Garrett interviews William Griffin about his experiences a month after the Art of NGF Imagination Training workshop--and well into the first few days of the NGF Daily Training.

-How the training open up every aspect of your life

-How a trip to the dump can bring your more joy

-The power of making the decision to willfully evolve your life

-Going from working a job to doing your own business

-How letting go of the past creates the present moment you deeply enjoy

-Cutting off the inner victim to embrace adventure on a daily basis

On our show, we'll continue to bring you extraordinary people from seemingly ordinary backgrounds--all with one thing in common: they're transcended their inner victim and opened up to their deepest potential as adventurers--pioneers on the frontiers of their own lives.

Special thanks to William for sharing his personal experiences and joining us for the show.

The Imagination Training Workshop will open for enrollment again soon. Check here for details: