ANPT Assistive Technology/Seated Wheeled Mobility Special Interest Group

Latest Episodes
Stroke SIG in Collaboration with Assistive Technology/Seating and Wheeled Mobility SIG: Wheelchair Prescription in the Neurologic Population – Episode 18
Host Jackie Loeshelle, PT, DPT is joined by Jennith Bernstein, PT, DPT, ATP/SMS of the Assistive Technology/Seated and Wheeled Mobility SIG to discuss wheelchair prescription for the neurologic popula
Spreading the Evidence: Integrating Evidence in Practice
In this episode, physical therapist and clinician, Jonathan Kinzinger, shares his story of finding evidence that he could apply to practice. Resources such as the Clinical Practice Guidelines for the
Wheelchair SIG: Master Clinician Penny Powers Pearls of Wisdom – Episode 1
This podcast from the Academy of Neurological Physical Therapy Assistive Technology/Seated Wheeled Mobility Special Interest Group highlights the career of master clinician, Penny J. Powers, PT, MS, ATP. She is a Level IV physical therapist at the VBWC...