And now for something completely indifferent

And now for something completely indifferent

Latest Episodes

Episode 31: Back to Biosimilars… is Canada Finally Stepping Up?
July 15, 2021

In episode 31, host David Willows invites returning pharmacy strategy guests Ned Pojskic (aka GSC’s “Outspoken Evangelist”) and super-pharmacist Leila Mandlsohn to discuss a topic near and dear to our hearts… Canada’s progress with biosimilar adoption. Th

Episode 30: Pharmacare in 2021 – The Path to Meaningful Reform
April 19, 2021

In episode 30, host David Willows chats with returning guest Chris Bonnett, Principal Consultant at H3 Consulting, and first-time contributor Helen Stevenson, Founder and CEO of Reformulary Group, about (…to be blunt…) why the pharmacare debate never adva

Episode 29: Addressing gaps in oral health care
March 25, 2021

In this episode, host David Willows once again interviews Dr. Carlos Quiñonez, associate professor and program director at the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto. They re-visit the state of oral health care and talk about the Green Door Project –

Episode 28: On the air with Stephen Frank – 2020 Year in Review and 2021 Forecast
February 22, 2021

In this episode, GSC’s David Willows interviews CLHIA president and CEO Stephen Frank to reminisce about 2020 and forecast what 2021 will bring, namely a possible federal election, the pharmacare debate revisited and more Covid-19.

Episode 27: Don’t Believe the Hype – How Medical Cannabis Flopped
January 25, 2021

In episode 27, we invite GSC’s Ned Pojskic and Mike Sullivan of Cubic Health Inc. to kick off 2021 with a look at where MC has been and where it might be headed.

Episode 26: Pharmacogenomics – First Evidence to Action
July 22, 2020

In episode 26, host David Willows and producer Sarah Murphy chat about recording during a heatwave (@1:15) before introducing the topic at hand – pharmacogenomics – and their two (virtual) guests: GSC’s leader of pharmacy and health prov

Episode 26: Pharmacogenomics – First Evidence to Action
July 22, 2020

In episode 26 of GSC’s podcast, we bring back pharmacist and researcher John Papastergiou, as well as Ned Pojskic, GSC’s leader of pharmacy and health provider relations, to talk about their research project that studied the impact of pharmacogenomics tes

Episode 25: Pharmacare revisited...
June 16, 2020

In episode 25, host David Willows and producer Sarah Murphy chat about wardrobe options while recording from home (@1:20) before introducing the topic at hand – pharmacare – and their two (virtual) guests (@2:06). First up, David asks first-ti

Episode 25: Pharmacare revisited...
June 16, 2020

In episode 25, host David Willows and producer Sarah Murphy chat with two guests (virtually) to talk about pharmacare – Chris Bonnett, Principal Consultant at H3 Consulting (and recent PhD recipient) and regular contributor Stephen Frank, CLHIA President

Episode 24: The state of dentistry in Canada
April 29, 2020

In episode 24, host David Willows and producer Sarah Murphy share their last “sick room”/studio-recorded, pre-pandemic podcast (@1:16) and invite Dr. Carlos Quinonez to talk about the state of dentistry in Canada in 2020 (@2:34). First, David