America's Jobs Team

America's Jobs Team

Episode 190: How Can You Find Growth in Tough Lessons Learned?

March 24, 2022

“It is not so much about what life hands you, but what you do with what you get.” –Idowu Koyenikan

Sometimes lessons are learned the hard way, and those tend to be the lessons that shape our leadership habits from that point forward. Whether it’s a lesson from a time where we assumed we knew it all and were humbled to learn those we politely dismissed actually carried significant knowledge, or the moment where we were acutely faced with the fact that our greatest strengths can also be wielded as the sword that cuts us down, everyone has experienced a moment in time where growth as leaders came on hard and fast.

Carla Sones and Faye Davis connect on this podcast to share a couple of their most memorable lessons that have shaped their leadership and the way they approach their professional lives today. They talk about the lessons that came after the initial moment of clarity and why these situations provided such humbling yet pivotal growth moments.

We are living through times of huge growth spurts. Leaders are embracing their capacity to learn and be vulnerable more than ever before, and today’s episode hopes to clear an even wider path to sharing mistakes, tough moments, and other authentic experiences that help teams see the humanity in their leaders and create a space accepting of growing pains. You can find today’s episode on our website, via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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