The American Hilljack Files – The American Hilljack Pro Series Radio

The American Hilljack Files – The American Hilljack Pro Series Radio

The American Hilljack Files Episode 25 (Not Down With The Sickness, Good for Nothing and other Bullsh*t)

May 24, 2020

Intro and Greetings: “Positive Facts & Flack from the Hilljack”
Music Break 1:
Not Down With The Sickness. - Stupify
Good for Nothing – Terachain Sky
Seg 1: “Talking the We The People event with Steve Craven of After The Fall, A Common Crown and owner of Sidebar, K&S Auto and Bethal Township Supervisor in Pennsylvania “
Music Break 2:
Welcome to the New S.A. – After the Fall
Sidebar Commercial
Awake – A Common Crown
Seg 3: “ Talking the Pandemic effects with Lisa King Parsons Dr. of Addictive Studies and Chemical Dependency Counselor ”
Music Break 3:
Roll Over – Rat Bastard Syndicate
The Empire Concert Club & Bar Commercial
God Damn It I'm an Introvert – Jeremy Toolbox
Closin’ and Good Vibes:
Final Music Break: Bullshit (God Damn It) - American Dog