Almost Heretical

Almost Heretical

Latest Episodes

18: Wrath and Liberation
April 11, 2018

How does getting crucified liberate anyone? Is liberation the central driving force behind the gospel? And is the wrath of God something we need to be liberated from or instead something that liberates? This week Nate and Tim examine atonement through the

17: God isn't the problem
March 28, 2018

Jesus saves us from ourselves, not from God. Today we look at 10 different ways to think about the atonement that are key in the Bible.

16: I used to be terrified of God
March 21, 2018

Nate shares why he used to be afraid of God. We explore why penal substitution is worth fighting back on. Part 2 in a series of discussions on what happened at the cross, we continue the critique of PSA and the uglier aspects of Calvinistic theology and a

15: Mako Nagasawa - Beyond penal substitution
March 14, 2018

Is Penal Substitutionary Atonement really the gospel? Is it even true? And what other options are there for making sense of Christ's death? This week we're joined by Mako Nagasawa to kick off a series of conversations all about atonement. He breaks down t

04: Nate has questions
January 02, 2018

Rethinking the Fall (Part 2) — Nate has some good questions in response to the previous episode on the Fall and Tim tries to answer them.

03: Why is there a snake in the garden?
January 01, 2018

Rethinking the Fall (Part 1) — Tim Ritter kicks off the first episode in a series rethinking the Biblical idea of the Fall. There’s more to the Adam and Eve story than we’ve been led to believe.

02: In the beginning
January 01, 2018

Tim Ritter and Nate Hanson jump into the theological deep end as they rethink the very essence of Biblical monotheism. Buckle up as they start to uncover surprising ideas behind the story of the Bible.

01: Ex-pastors in a shed
January 01, 2018

Tim Ritter and Nate Hanson kick off Almost Heretical by starting the conversation about how to move forward after seeing the dark underbelly of Evangelical church world.
