Almost Heretical

Almost Heretical

Latest Episodes

28: Immigration and kidnapping the Bible
June 25, 2018

Last week Jeff Sessions used the Bible to justify kidnapping children, separating families, and continuing one of the cruelest immigration policies in US history. We're sickened, so we put out an impromptu episode calling BS on that. Our theology matters

27: Connecting #churchtoo, Kaepernick and Christian nationalism
June 20, 2018

What is the connection between rampant pastoral abuse in evangelical churches and evangelicalism’s collusion with conservative politics? Nate and Tim discuss how American slaveholder religion instilled a reverence for authority that is the root of both th

26: Jesus and self defense
June 06, 2018

Tragically, school shootings happen seemingly every week in America these days, and every time they do a debate breaks out over guns and the right to bear arms. Many believe it’s “a God-given right” to own and use a gun, and many think that Jesus affirmed

25: Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove - Slaveholder Religion
May 30, 2018

Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove reflects on the painful reality that much of white American Christianity is more akin to slaveholder religion than the Christianity of Christ. He discusses how to distinguish between the two and shares some of his own journey of

24: Post traumatic history disorder
May 23, 2018

Acknowledging the truth of our history can be painful, overwhelming and even traumatic. The history itself is also one of traumatization. Nate and Tim continue the conversation about the tragic truth of American church history by reflecting on last week’s

23: Mark Charles - The truth of our history
May 16, 2018

Mark Charles retells the founding of America to expose political, social and spiritual implications. You may need to sit and process for a while after this episode. What if we're remembering Abraham Lincoln and our founding all wrong? What if the systemic

22: The risk of believing differently
May 09, 2018

Is it worth losing the certainty you once had to pursue a better picture of God? What if God becomes harder to believe in? Tim and Nate talk about doing better and deeper theology and how that might make for a harder story to believe.

21: Brian Zahnd - Making Christianity possible again
May 02, 2018

Brian Zahnd joins us to talk about how to make Christianity viable for this generation and generations to come.

20: Rachel Held Evans - Using and abusing the Bible
April 25, 2018

Rachel Held Evans joins us to discuss the Bible and what to do with it.

19: The myth of the slippery slope
April 18, 2018

If you start believing things outside your faith circle you might fall down a slippery slope... Should you be afraid of that? According to the ancient Christian tradition, the slippery slope might be the way to true spiritual maturity.