Almost Heretical

Almost Heretical

Latest Episodes

47: Tim Mackie - A conversation starter (Part 2)
December 05, 2018

Dr. Timothy Mackie (The Bible Project) continues talking with Nate and Tim about the Bible and ethics. Does the Bible end conversations about ethics or start them?

46: Tim Mackie - Riddles in the Bible (Part 1)
November 28, 2018

Dr. Timothy Mackie (The Bible Project) talks with Tim and Nate about the often missed literary designs in the Bible. What kind of patterns and repetitions do we often overlook? And what does it mean that the Bible contains riddles and texts with multiple

45: Why Seams & Stitching Matter (How The Bible Works)
November 01, 2018

All the talk about stitching and literary complexity got Nate and Tim talking about why this stuff even matters. What does thinking of the Bible as a literary mosaic change? How does paying attention to redaction and arrangement affect our views of Christ

44: Scrolls & Seams (How The Bible Works)
October 30, 2018

Ancient scroll technology led to literary binding techniques evident in the Bible. Collections of texts were stitched together through canonical seams and enclosed within literary introductions and conclusions. This seam work is how we got a Bible.

43: Literary Layers & Ananias and Sapphira (How The Bible Works)
October 24, 2018

Collectively, the Bible consists of complex literary layers stacked atop one another. Stories and motifs are recycled and re-used. When we read any individual story, we must read it as a single layer of a greater whole. The strange story of Ananias and Sa

42: Copy, Paste & Psalm 108 (How The Bible Works)
October 24, 2018

If the Bible is a mosaic, then the meaning is in the stitching. Nate and Tim look at how Psalm 108 is an example of clear editing and repurposing of texts within the Hebrew Bible, and how the Gospel of Luke is tracking with this literary mechanism at work

41: How does the Bible work?
October 17, 2018

Nate and Tim open up a new series of conversations exploring how the Bible actually works. They introduce the idea of the Bible as a literary mosaic in which various texts are pieced together to form a kind of theological portrait. This episode is the fir

40: Lisa Sharon Harper - Good news & bad news
October 09, 2018

Lisa Sharon Harper talks about what Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court really means, how we got here, and what the gospel has to say about it.

39: Science Mike McHargue - Anger and hope
October 02, 2018

Mike McHargue (aka Science Mike) sits down with Nate and Tim to talk about sexual assault, the Bible, why so many people are over church, finding hope amidst cynicism, and much more. The conversation happened on the heels of a long and emotional week rela

38: Gender. So, what now?
September 19, 2018

Part 9 (conclusion) of the gender series. We talk about what we've learned, what we can do, and respond to your questions. Oh, and a poem from Tim set to music - you don't want to miss it!