AI Ireland with Mark Kelly

AI Ireland with Mark Kelly

Latest Episodes

E18 Barry Lowry, Irish Government CIO at Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
August 03, 2018

In episode 18, Barry Lowry, the Irish Government's CIO at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform discusses their public service ICT strategy, improving the customer experience, how the government apply their open data strategy and much more.

E17 Kevin Koidl, Research Fellow with the ADAPT Centre at Trinity College Dublin
July 31, 2018

In episode 17, Kevin Koidl, Research fellow with the ADAPT Centre at Trinity College Dublin discusses his belief that there is a lot more to come from AI in Education, the challenges businesses face adhering to the new GDPR rulings, Wripl Technologies and

E16 Callum Donnelly, Co-Founder at ParrotScribe
July 27, 2018

In this mini-episode, the co-founder of Parrotscribe Callum Donnelly discusses what inspired him to set up Parrotscribe, his journey as an entrepreneur, how AI will impact the jobs market and more.

E15 Declan McKibben, Head of Research and Innovation with the ADAPT Centre at Trinity College Dublin
July 24, 2018

Head of Design and Innovation in the ADAPT Centre at TCD Declan McKibben discusses exicting ADAPT projects in NLP, Machine Translation and in Computer Vision, how deep learning will effect the future of AI, the impact AI will have on jobs and much more.

E14 David Haughton, Senior Data Scientist with CeADAR Ireland
July 20, 2018

In episode 14, Senior Data Scientist with CeADAR Ireland David Haughton discusses his work with big data analytics and blockchain, the potential of AI and Blockchain interacting with each other, the benefits it can bring to the enterprise and much more.

E13 Patricia Scanlon, CEO and Founder of Soapbox Labs
July 17, 2018

In episode 13, CEO and founder of Soapbox Labs Patricia Scanlon discusses what inspired her to set up Soapbox Labs, the challenges that arise building voice AI for kids, how speech recognition has exploded in the past couple of years and much more

E12 Niamh Bushnell, CEO and Founder of TechIreland
July 13, 2018

CEO and founder of TechIreland Niamh Bushnell discusses why she set up TechIreland, how they gather the data for the TechIreland platform, the recent addition of 40 new Data Hubs to their search engine and much more

E11 Nick Grattan, Application Architecture Director at Dassault Systèmes
July 10, 2018

In episode 11, Application Architecture Director at Dassault Systèmes Nick Grattan discusses his passion for NLP and text analytics, his work at Dassault Systemés, what he has learned so far in his PhD and much more.

E10 Jim Dowling, CEO of Logical Clocks
July 05, 2018

In episode 10 of the AI in Action, the CEO of Logical Clocks and the lead architect of Hops Hadoop Jim Dowling chat about what inspired him to set up Hops Hadoop, challenges he faced in creating it, what it was like to win the PAPI's startup battle and mo

E09 Stephen Redmond, Senior Manager Big Data and AI lead with Accenture
June 29, 2018

In episode nine of the AI in Action podcast, Accenture's Big Data and AI Delivery Lead Stephen Redmond chats about his passion for text data, exciting projects Accenture are working on, how businesses need to be purposeful on how they are implementing AI