

Latest Episodes

How to be fully engaged in whatever you do
October 23, 2011

In this podcast, Chris and Gina discuss how being fully engaged in whatever you do can bring surprising results. Whether it's taking part in an Ironman triathlon - good luck Chris! - or just being more present with colleagues at work or in your relationsh

Rise To Your Own Challenge
October 16, 2011

Life can often throw up it's own unique challenges, however creating your own challenges can be an extremely effect way to develop yourself in a direction of your own choosing. Recently Paul challenged Chris and Sam to record a 1 minute video each day. A

Letting Go
October 09, 2011

We've hit the season of Fall or Autumn as we call it here in the UK, very much a time of change and of letting go, as reflected in nature at this time of year. Whether it be a relationship that's no longer working, or a job that you want to leave, now is

How Are You Inviting Distractions Into Your Life?
September 25, 2011

Do you find yourself getting constantly distracted? Unable to complete tasks due to outside forces? Chris and Gina discuss ways in which we invite distractions (often without realising it) into our lives and the impact this has personally and profession

Three-Word Check-In
September 11, 2011

Join Sam and special guest podcaster Helena Holrick - founder of Workshops That Work - as they explore how 3 words can transform how you feel about and what you achieve with your day. Helena created the Three-Word Check-In as part of her process of facil

Four Tips to Greater Perseverance
September 04, 2011

It's so easy to give up on a project/job/relationship when the going gets tough. But the times when we feel like throwing in the towel are usually the very times when we are closest to achieving our goals. To help you, Chris and Gina discuss ways in which

Wombles clean up London after riots and looting
August 28, 2011

The riots and looting in London and other cities around the UK are shocking. An out of control mob mentality without conscience profiteering from a terrible situation. However, good always triumphs over thuggery. And the famous Brit Blitz spirit has surfa

Turn Your Warning Signs Into Action
August 21, 2011

Warning signs serve a purpose: they signal that something needs to change. Yet we can get so caught up in life and its everyday dramas that we sometimes fail to heed the warnings. In a recent blog post, Chris suggests it is worth reviewing your 'current

A Simple Technique to Eliminate Your Excuses
August 14, 2011

When we get really honest with ourselves, we realise that many of the 'reasons' why we haven't done something, or don't do what is necessary, are actually 'excuses' that we buy into more than we should. In this podcast, Sam and Chris provide a simple yet

Boost Your Energy…Starting Today
August 07, 2011

Do you often feel you are lacking in energy? Or feel others are draining energy from you? Chris and Gina explore ways in which we can become more aware of what we're giving out, and what we need to give to ourselves to keep our energy levels at optimum st