Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Latest Episodes

AAISAD 0161 – Dying planets, people, & civilizations; defection to Islamist Iran; Islamist Taliban; outrages, tragedies, & a rescue
February 15, 2019

Dying planets – what purportedly causes planets to die; what truly causes planets to die? Dying people – what causes people to die? Dying civilizations – what truly causes civilizations to die? Presidential Race 2020 & socialist dialectic.

AAISAD 0160 – Murder & Non-Punishment; so-called 2nd degree murder; corrupt Press on Islamist Terror; Red Rules 1919
February 11, 2019

Hadiya Pendleton's mother Cleopatra Cowley's statement (deservedly yet again). - Alexa Cannon, Sarah Coit, Jennifer Martel...tortuously slaughtered by monstrous destroyers! - The USofA's "Justice System"; monstrous...

AAISAD 0160 – Murder & Non-Punishment; so-called 2nd degree murder; corrupt Press on Islamist Terror; Red Rules 1919
February 11, 2019

Hadiya Pendleton’s mother Cleopatra Cowley’s statement (deservedly yet again). Alexa Cannon, Sarah Coit, Jennifer Martel…tortuously slaughtered by monstrous destroyers! The USofA’s “Justice System”; monstrous destroyers only charged with second-degree ...

AAISAD 0159 – True State of the Union; 2nd degree murder; HBO's Smirky Maher; Social Media mobocracy; Empty Planet
February 07, 2019

The True State of the Union of the United States of America - circa 2019. - The US "Justice System's" Second-degree murder and other obscene, damnable, fateful fictions. - HBO's vile for style, filthy, loathsome, petty...

AAISAD 0159 – True State of the Union; 2nd degree murder; HBO’s Smirky Maher; Social Media mobocracy; Empty Planet
February 07, 2019

The True State of the Union of the United States of America – circa 2019. The US “Justice System’s” Second-degree murder and other obscene, damnable, fateful fictions. HBO’s vile for style, filthy, loathsome, petty bully, ever smirking Bill Maher.

AAISAD 0158 – Hallmark; Ruth Bader Ginsburg, et al; Friends & Sleepless in Seattle; Kidnap, Rape, Murder…Justice?
February 04, 2019

Hallmark Channel may not be all that it could be, but at least its fare is not vile; so why does it promote Ruth Bader Ginsburg?! - Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her comrades and their evil agendas. - "Friends," "Sleepless in...

AAISAD 0158 – Hallmark; Ruth Bader Ginsburg, et al; Friends & Sleepless in Seattle; Kidnap, Rape, Murder…Justice?
February 04, 2019

Hallmark Channel may not be all that it could be, but at least its fare is not vile; so why does it promote Ruth Bader Ginsburg?! Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her comrades and their evil agendas. “Friends,” “Sleepless in Seattle,”…Read more ›

AAISAD 0157 – The Press; John Jay & Christian Leaders vs. Evil Agendas; Brexit; Trump, INF Treaty, Putin; The Really Big One
February 02, 2019

The Press and the pivotal part it plays in the republic, for good or evil. - First Supreme Court Chief Justice - John Jay and preference for christian leaders. - The evil agendas and their proponents, and their continual assaults on christianity....

AAISAD 0157 – The Press; John Jay & Christian Leaders vs. Evil Agendas; Brexit; Trump, INF Treaty, Putin; The Really Big One
February 02, 2019

The Press and the pivotal part it plays in the republic, for good or evil. First Supreme Court Chief Justice – John Jay and preference for christian leaders. The evil agendas and their proponents, and their continual assaults on christianity.…Read more ›

AAISAD 0156 – Pulitzer & press; Ginzburg; Pres. Trump; Pelosi; Presidential Race 2020; Abortion
February 01, 2019

Joseph Pulitzer - Our republic and its press. - Ruth Bader Ginsburg's agenda, the evil agenda of the left. - President Trump, his admin., Jared Kushner, Robert Mueller.... - Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Impeachment, Presidential...