Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

AAISAD 0172 – NATO, deterrence? Russia; NWO triggering events; Gun Seizure, "Gun Control," Hitler's Nazis; SA, Venezuela; Rape

April 04, 2019

Kelly Stafford, Mrs. Matthew Stafford, pray for her and her family.

NATO Secty. Genl. Jens Stoltenberg (Norway) - Putin's Russian Regime threat; no land-based nuclear missiles in Europe, but "credible, effective deterrence"?

Great Barrier Reef becoming less "great." Colorado & gun confiscation & Hitler's Nazi Reich....

South America, Maduro's Venezuelan Communist Regime, incl. puppet "Supreme Ct." vs. National Assembly and opposition leader Juan Guaido & chief of staff Roberto Marrero.

Incessant efforts to eliminate Rape from criminal charges & sentencing of destroyers.