Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

Brad Thomas presents, "After All Is Said & Done"

AAISAD 0149 – Evil Regimes; WWII Resistance Fighter's lesson; Midterm Elections & Trump; Economy & Farmers

November 03, 2018

Regimes - South Africa, Zimbabwe (fmr. Rhodesia), and the role played by western nations and institutions, notably, American championing wicked regimes to take power.

Norway's WWII Hero Joachim Ronneberg's lesson for youth....

Evil Regimes - Nazis (National Socialist Party)....

US Midterm Election contradictions - Democrat US Senate candidates - President Trump.

US Economy and Government, and the plight of farmers and ranchers.

President Trump & Trump's "Executive Time" presidential work.

Doggies, people's best friend, A Hero in need, is a hero indeed!