9th Story Podcast

9th Story Podcast

STRY Radio: The Lift: The Lost Place

August 03, 2014

Welcome to the Lost Place. 

Here, The Lift is controlled by a mysterious girl who is more than she seems. 

The building is hard to find. Only those who are meant to find their way inside ever do. Each floor offers a portal into a different place. All are paths to change and transformation -  if only you're brave enough for the journey.

Would you like to go for a ride? 




"Date Unknown" - by Steven Matiko, 2014

"Darkest Child" - by Keven MacLeod, 2011 Licensed under Creative Commons 

"count_conter01" - by Count, 2007, Licensed under Creative Commons

"The Time of the Choice" - by Daniel Foytik, 2014 (Featuring samples from "Broken"* and "Sooner Or Later"*) 

*"Sooner Or Later" (Acappella) by Trifonic featuring, Christina Courtin Licensed under Creative Commons

*"Broken"(Acappella) by Trifonic featuring Amelia June, Licensed under Creative Commons


The Lift and all characters are copyright Daniel Foytik, 2014

"The Lost Place" was written, read and produced by Daniel Foytik vist www.STRYRadio.com and www.9thstory.com for more.

Subscribe to the show in itunes and follow us on Twitter @9thStory

A Hic Sunt Fabulas Production, 2014

9thStory?d=yIl2AUoC8zA 9thStory?d=63t7Ie-LG7Y 9thStory?i=9JhTml9jPDY:s4Jso-GjNy8:V_sGLiPBpWU 9thStory?d=qj6IDK7rITs 9thStory?i=9JhTml9jPDY:s4Jso-GjNy8:gIN9vFwOqvQ 9thStory?d=TzevzKxY174