All Good Years

All Good Years

Don't Waste Your Life Finding Your Calling

April 16, 2021

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Mailbag - Want Derek & Gage to read a note from you on the podcast during the mailbag? Email! Share what's working, stories, and anything else on your mind.

Episode Notes:

Here’s the main idea: We find our calling by actually living our life.

There are three challenges that stand in our way:

1. A lot of us feel like our life won’t begin until we live out our calling.

2. We get paralysis by analysis.

3. Our culture has made us feel like we need to “arrive” right now.

There are two things we encourage you to do:

1. Go & take action right now.

2. Enjoy & make the most out of your life.

Resources & Quotes:

Ship before you're ready, because you will never be ready. Ready implies you know it's going to work, and you can't know that. You should ship when you're prepared, when it's time to show your work, but not a minute later. - Seth Godin (

This week's challenge: Share your calling or purpose with someone. or message us on social media.